Latest "Motivational" Posts

Life is never smooth sailing. I’m sure you already know that. But knowing this truth isn’t always enough because no matter how much we prepare for the bad days, they still hurt us. I’ve been there too, so I’m not going to tell you it’ll be okay or that you’ll get over it.

We all know the dread of waking up day in and day out, showing up to work, waiting for the weekend and catching a case of the Sunday night blues before Monday comes back around. It can be daunting—even exhausting—to show up to work when you’re burnt out and tired to the bone.

Words of encouragement, hope and joy that you speak out loud are like seeds that will always bear fruit that’s nourishing to the soul. Words that signify lack, chaos and hopelessness will always bear fruit that will no doubt give your soul, well, at the very least, indigestion.”  – Steve Rizzo We live in a […]