Latest "Motivational" Posts

Let’s talk about the power of positive thinking and belief. Have you ever noticed that there are those who have been given every advantage in life to succeed, yet they still manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chances at happiness? Then there are those who seem to have every obstacle imaginable thrown in […]

Did you know that studies have shown that those who make conscious choices to enjoy themselves and laugh throughout the day are more creative, productive, and resilient to challenging situations? They create passion and enthusiasm through enjoyment. They are also more likely to easily find solutions to complex problems. In other words, focusing on your […]

Stress is a word that’s all too familiar to the modern individual. It’s the feeling that anyone can relate to and understand. The effects of stress are also a familiar feeling for most people: headaches, shoulder and back tension, fatigue, brain fog, hypertension—so on and so forth. Most people would recommend taking a long, relaxing […]

Not everyone dreams of that 9–5 grind, sitting at your desk for hours on end, typing away or filing forms. Even though they offer a lot of security, desk jobs get a bad rep, being portrayed as some kind of soul-sucking, mind-numbing experience. It’s not surprising that they’re associated with ennui and dissatisfaction, of course. […]

Our entire lives, we’re taught to work our fingers to the bone. We’re taught the importance of the grind; we’re taught to work and push through and focus on some abstract, eventual goal that we’ll achieve. The issue, however, is that everyone’s goals look different. Everyone has a different idea of what it means to be […]

Stress can get to the best of us. It doesn’t matter if you hate your job, love it or you’re indifferent to it. It doesn’t matter if your stress is related to your academics or your home life. It’s a real, emotional experience that most of us know all too well. However, the problem with […]

Working is tough, no matter who you are or what you do. Every job comes with a range of stresses and worries, pressures and expectations, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. We’ve all been there, we’ve all had those days when you’re tired and you have to drag yourself to work, or you’re denied a leave. Perhaps you […]

Life is a journey that’s riddled with ups and downs, highs and lows, good days and bad. There are moments that leave you speechless, breathless and dazed; days when all you can do is think “why me?” Some things that are within your control, others so far beyond your reach that it’s pointless even trying to […]

The human mind is a powerful thing. It’s complex, mystifying and a source of constant curiosity for people. We use our minds every day of our lives—when we think, when we feel, when we emote. We use it when we speak, when we express and when we listen.