Posts tagged "motivational"
The Battlefield of Everyday Life
I sometimes tend to think of life as a battlefield–albeit, a metaphorical one — very different from the physical and mental horrors of war. Can anyone deny that bloodless battles rage around us every day, often fought against familiar enemies that loom from the past? The cause of these everyday battle wounds vary: a bitter […]
Rizz-O-Isms: Common Sense Success Strategies (Part 6)
Rizz-O-Isms are “Attitude Adjustment Strategies” that will take you to a better place in Business and in Life. They are designed to help you to reduce stress, acquire a positive attitude and to create habits for success and happiness. The only way to defeat procrastination is to take action. NOW! Great men and woman always […]
The Eddie Murphy Story – Steve Rizzo explains Eddie’s key to success
Please enjoy this short Video Clip about Eddie Murphy: He Believed and he Achieved it.
You Have 2 Options: Dance or Drown
A few years ago, I spent four wonderful days in Kona, Hawaii, where I had the pleasure of speaking to a well-known financial group. My job was to give them the tools they needed to embrace the changes and intense growth they were then experiencing and would inevitably continue to experience in the coming years. […]
The Big Mouth inside Your Head
“A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell too much on the future.” -Albert Einstein I absolutely love the above statement from Albert Einstein. The present is the only place where your life can happen. Not the past, not the future. The present is also the only place where happiness and peace can […]
Your Thoughts Create Your Beliefs
Have you ever wondered where your beliefs come from? They don’t just pop into your head out of thin air. The beliefs you have about anything in your life are created over a period of time through a consistent way of thinking. You could think of your mind as a big cave, filled with different caverns. (Or […]
Ignite Passion and Take Action
I hope you enjoy this short Video Clip on “How to Ignite Passion & Enthusiasm.”
Hope was Her Companion, Humor Was Her Shield
One morning some time ago, I was on a flight from New York to Nashville. Standing in the row adjacent to mine was an attractive woman wearing sunglasses. She was talking to two distinguished looking men who (as I overheard from their conversation) were from MCA Records. I didn’t know exactly what they were talking […]
What Separates Chronically Positive People from Everyone Else
Anyone can tell you that one key to living a happy, successful life is having a positive attitude, especially during adverse times. I know that sometimes there just isn’t justification for all the unfortunate things that happen to us—but I also know that we all have what it takes to deal with misfortune. That is […]
Victim or Victor
Have you noticed that some people manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chances at happiness by complaining and blaming outside circumstances for their unfortunate plight? Then there are those who seem to have every obstacle imaginable thrown in front of them and they move ahead, refusing to give up. They take these […]