Enjoy the Day and Stay Motivated
Too many people start their day in a bad or low mood at best. And what makes it worse is that they have no idea why. That is to say, people may not be conscious of the fact that they are focusing on what is broken and not what can be created from their day. As soon as they open their eyes, they start to go over their problems and thinking about, even visualizing, the chaos from the day before and the grueling day that lies ahead.
If only they understood that they can choose alternatives that will help them stay motivated and to enjoy the day. Because they may be so caught up in the insanity of whatever their current situation may be, there is no room in their head for thoughts that are healthier and more productive. If only they would switch their focus to things that make them feel good.
For example, let’s say you’re driving through or flying over some beautiful landscape that touches you in some way. Don’t let the feeling pass. Hold onto it. Savor it. Let yourself feel the wonder of it and allow your heart to soar. If you witness an act of kindness that puts a smile on your face, hold onto that as a reminder of how wonderful people can be and do something at least as kind in the next 24 hours.
If someone says, “Have a nice day,” don’t just let it slide. Acknowledge the person and say “Hey, don’t tell me what to do! This is going to be a crappy day and you’re telling me to have a nice one, just made it worse.” I’m obviously having some fun here. A better response might be “You know what? I will have a nice day. Thank you. You do the same.”
The greatest benefit of genuinely enjoying the day is that you generate a massive amount of positive energy. It’s manifested in passion and enthusiasm, and both are very contagious. Put another way, enjoyment is the spark that ignites passion and enthusiasm. Read that again and remember it. C’mon, I said read it again! Thank you.
I’m not claiming that by making a commitment to enjoy the day that you won’t be confronted by challenges. Of course you will! There will always be obstacles of some kind to overcome. True, there will be times when chaos and negative forces surround you, but you don’t have to let them inside. It may not be easy at first, but as you condition yourself to prepare for the day ahead with an attitude of gratitude and seek out the joy that life has to offer, you will notice that stressful outside forces don’t bother you as much. Ultimately what you are doing is creating the ability to bounce back and that’s an all-important life skill.
It comes down to this: the unexpected is waiting for you. Countless outside factors can make or ruin your day, many of which are not in your direct control. So, it makes sense to seize control of what you can – no matter whether you’re in an up or down period, remind yourself that feeling good, true happiness and enjoying the process is your number one priority – It’s a key to staying motivated.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and insights. I welcome all comments.
Steve Rizzo is the Attitude Adjuster. You can’t attend one of his keynote speeches, seminars, or read his books and leave with the same attitude. He’s a personal development expert, motivational business speaker, corporate-comedian and best-selling author. It’s no surprise that Steve is also a Hall Of Fame Speaker Inductee. An honor bestowed upon on fewer than 200 speakers worldwide since 1977.