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They say that motivation comes from within, but you have to find it first. Whether it’s a painting, a book or a movie, there’s inspiration around every corner. All you have to do is look in the right places.

Do you ever stop and wonder how you passed your day? As far as you can recall, you pretty much did most of your work on autopilot. In fact, autopilot has been your mode for the last few days…or years.

One Saturday night in 1986, I was performing at Dangerfield’s Comedy Club in Manhattan. I had just finished my show and the emcee was making his final announcements when I noticed someone approaching the stage. No introduction was necessary. Rodney Dangerfield was at the pinnacle of his career and everyone knew who he was. Wearing […]

I am constantly amazed by the ways that people manage to deny themselves the chance at happiness in the moment. Instead, they fall prey to dangerous mindsets that decrease their potential for happiness. They put their happiness on hold when they repeat and internalize negative statements like, “When I finally buy a house, I’ll be […]

The word “positive” seems to frustrate a lot of people. I hear people say, “How do you expect me to be positive when nothing in my life is working?” Or, “It’s easy for you to be positive and feel blessed. You didn’t lose someone you love or you didn’t lose your job.” Maybe we should […]

When you make feeling happy of paramount importance, you will seek out that which truly makes you feel happy.

Sometimes a moment of laughter is all you need to keep you from giving up, Steve Rizzo. Here is some laughter, ENJOY!!!

Here’s something for you to ponder in that wonderful brain of yours. Once you realize that your daily reality is a mirror of the thoughts you have and the actions you take, then change in any area of your life is possible and, what’s more, well within your control. By shifting your focus, thoughts, words […]