4 Things You Should Be Grateful For In This Very Moment
Drop whatever you’re doing right now and take a deep breath.
Deeper than that!
Now, relax your body and pay attention to the only thing that truly matters in this moment: you are alive, you are awake and you have the power to rewrite your destiny.
No matter who you are or what you’re going through, there are countless like you scattered around the world, connected by a cosmic force that holds everything in perfect balance.
Don’t get distracted by the noise of chaos. Find stillness in the deep, calming waves of gratitude. Here’s a list of 5 things that might help you get there:
1. A Beautiful Day
Is the sun out? Is it shining bright and giving you that beautiful rosy glow on your way to work?
That, my friends, is the first and foremost reason to be grateful—you know, unless you’re a vampire (in which case, twilight’s where it’s at)!
According to various studies, a degree of exposure to the sun not only reduces the risk of several diseases but also promotes the regulation of Vitamin D, a pro-hormone that stabilizes your mood and strengthens your bones.
2. A Stable Wi-Fi Connection
We’re serious.
Can you REALLY go a day without checking your Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and email, or finding out the latest score, news updates, shopping sales and weather forecast online?
It’s officially 2018, folks! Having Internet access isn’t just a perk; it’s a necessity. You’ve got a stable Wi-Fi connection to thank for fast-streaming Netflix and all those super-smooth Skype calls and Facetime!
3. Friends
For all the times you needed someone to laugh with, to support your crazy shenanigans and to comfort you on a bad day, true friends always come through to support you in good times and bad.
Whether your best friend is a parent, sibling, high school buddy, partner or dog, you rely on them for your happiness. Take a moment to appreciate their presence in your life and celebrate the meaning of true friendship!
4. Hope
To believe in redemption, forgiveness and renewal is, in itself, an incredibly healing experience.
As long as there’s hope, there’s life. If you can remember that every single day, you’ll always have a spark that keeps you going.
Surround yourself with people who allow you to dream big and inspire you to be the person you were born to be!
Steve Rizzo is an award-winning motivational speaker, brilliant comedian and bestselling author who teaches people how to enjoy their way to success in business and in life.
Check out some of the rave reviews that the Hall of Fame Speaker has received over the years, and follow Steve on Twitter!