When Exhaustion Settles In: Tips on Keeping Motivated

It doesn’t matter how good you are at handling stress. There are days we all want to throw in the towel. Overwhelmed, overworked and exhausted. We’ve all felt this way.

Sometimes the pressure to do more, achieve more and work hard gets to us. While we push ourselves to hold on, at the end of the week we burn out.

Truth is, even if you love your job, it’s common to struggle from exhaustion from time to time. Sometimes, the stress of life sucks the energy out of us. This affects us not only personally, but professionally as well.

·        Taking Control

Not being able to get out of bed, struggling with a mental block and feeling as if a heavy object has been placed on our body—these may be some signs of burnout.

The problem is that mental exhaustion doesn’t make an announcement before it hits us. It attacks us when we least expect it. While there are warning signs, most of us don’t pay attention. Another problem is, we don’t know where to draw the line and stop.

It’s possible to take back control of your life. While we all struggle with exhaustion from time to time, it’s important to take measures to prevent it from occurring.

Here are a few you can try:

·        Take Breaks Throughout the Day

As mentioned earlier, burnout occurs because we don’t know where to draw the line. While it’s important to work hard, it’s also important to work smart.

Working smart is all about time management, but that doesn’t mean taking on everything all at once.

Make a conscious effort to put a hold on what you’re working on, and take a short break. Your breaks should last not more than 10–15 minutes. This gives you enough time to gather your thoughts and give your mind some rest.

Remember that mental exhaustion and physical fatigue are correlated. When your mind is tired, it slows down your body as well. This is the first warning sign your brain sends you. It’s a distress signal, asking you to stop what you’re doing and take a break.

Have you ever wondered why after a full day’s work we get hungry? It’s because your brain consumes all of your energy. Hunger is also a sign of mental exhaustion.

·        Stop Using your Phone During Work

Before mobile internet and social media networks became a thing, it took effort to take work home. This is because there were no distractions during that time. People came into work, completed their assigned tasks and left.

In today’s era, however, everyone has a smartphone. According to a report by the Pew Research Center, 95 percent of Americans own some kind of cell phone. According to the same report, in 2011, 35 percent of Americans owned a phone. That changed in 2016, when the figure rose to 77 percent.

Using your phone at work can distract you from important tasks. While you may feel the need to use your phone during break, it can lead to wasting hours.

Instead, focus on listening to white noise to help you relax. This will calm your nerves and take the stress away.

·        Say No to Extra Work

We all want to make a good impression on our boss. Sometimes, taking on difficult tasks can be a good thing. It’s challenging and stimulating. Overworking yourself to the bone should be avoided, though. When you feel like you can’t do more work, say no to taking on extra projects.

Remember, your mind needs its rest. When you’re exhausted, it can jeopardize an important project. It’s difficult to say no sometimes, but your health is top priority.

Steve Rizzo is a motivational speaker for the corporate sector. He offers inspirational presentations to help individuals in the business world find meaning in their lives and work. He uses his leadership skills, wit and expertise to inspire and motivate businesspeople.

Contact Steve if you’re looking for a keynote speaker your next big event!

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