The High Price of Stress
Here’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sometimes I don’t practice what I preach. There, I said it and I’m not ashamed to admit it. Yes, I know, I’m a funny motivational speaker and I should be able to walk the talk. For the most part I do, but sometimes I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life (busy paying bills, catching planes, making decisions, and writing books about being busy, achieving goals, putting out fires and trying to balance my life) that I don’t live in compliance with my own “Common Sense Success Strategies.”
That’s life and sometimes it gets the best of me. It’s okay. I’m not perfect and I know my positivity license will not be revoked. But here’s the clincher. When I don’t practice what I preach or live in compliance with what I know is right, there is usually hell to pay.
We all create our own hell when, for whatever reason, we don’t make the shift to view our challenges and stressful situations from a higher part of ourselves. Every time we think, feel or choose to act in a negative way, we run the risk of separating ourselves from our natural state of joy and inner peace. The price we pay for this is the burning inner conflict that leads to physical duress and a host of mental and emotional disorders. Every destructive thought you have kills a part of you in some way.
When you allow yourself to go on emotional binges of anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy and fear, you are punishing yourself by inducing pain, sickness, chaos and failure in your life. Not to mention that it’s a great beat-down for everyone around you. Yes, you might feel you have every right to complain and to rant and rave about how unfair your life is. It may even seem justified not to forgive someone who deliberately put you in harm’s way. Just remember that you also have a right to the migraine headaches, stomach disorders, high blood pressure and miserable existence that inevitably follows.
Please feel free to share your thoughts and insights. I welcome all comments.
Steve Rizzo is the Attitude Adjuster. You can’t attend one of his keynote speeches, seminars, or read his books and leave with the same attitude. He’s a personal development expert, motivational business speaker, corporate-comedian and best-selling author. It’s no surprise that Steve is also a Hall Of Fame Speaker Inductee. An honor bestowed upon on fewer than 200 speakers worldwide since 1977.