Personality Traits you should develop to be Successful in Your Career
Ever wondered why some people’s careers seemed to accelerate at a faster pace than others? Professional accomplishments definitely do have a role to play, but a lot of it has to do with their personality.
Successful people have a set of personality traits that distinguish them from regular folk. They have that certain je ne sais quois (the ‘IT’ factor) that helps them shine brighter than their coworkers and helps them elevate their careers to heights others may never ever be able to achieve.
Let’s take a look at personality traits that you should develop to have a successful career:
Having a vision for the future
Having a clear vision in your mind automatically makes things a lot easier. Knowing where you want to go provides direction.
It’ll assist you in making important decisions today regarding the kinds of opportunities that should be pursued, the knowledge you should gain and the skills you should arm yourself with. It’ll also keep you going when things are tough.
Having your eyes on the prize always gives you the perseverance needed to overcome hurdles.
1. Discipline
As much as we’d like to believe it, there are no shortcuts to success. The road to success is long with a lot of ups and downs, and without discipline you’re never going to make it to the end.
Staying in bed until noon isn’t going to help set up your business. Getting into unnecessary fights with your boss will only lead to more roadblocks.
Successful people have healthy routines that ensure they are functioning at their best.
2. Creativity
Some lucky individuals are born creative; others have to put in a little more work. Creative individuals are naturally imaginative and expressive – qualities that employers and potential business partners find intriguing.
Learn to feed your creativity by forcing yourself to be expressive. Try journaling every night. Getting your thoughts on paper gives access to deeper thoughts and will get you in the hang of expressing emotions.
Once you’ve made journaling a habit, you can move on to more structured ways of showing creativity; take up a hobby like photography or painting. The more you stimulate the creative part of your brain, the more it will grow.
3. Outgoingness
To say that “being an extrovert in the business world is essential for growth” is wrong. If that were the case, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg wouldn’t be among the world’s wealthiest men.
Neither of these men enjoys the limelight, and both are a little socially awkward. But, if we were to put them aside, it’s safe to say that the majority of successful individuals in the business world are outgoing.
Being outgoing boosts your social capital. Because networking is such a big part of success, social confidence and fearlessness are needed to build relationships and put yourself out there in front of people who can lend a hand.
4. Optimism
Everyone – from the likes of Henry Ford and Walt Disney to Oprah Winfrey – faced setbacks before they hit their stride. What kept them going? It was their undying faith in their capabilities and what they believed was possible. It was their ongoing optimism that kept them focused and allowed them to push past obstacles.
Maintaining a positive outlook comes more easily to some people than it does to others, but it can be mastered with some mindfulness and brain-training.
Need some help with being positive?
Check out inspirational speaker Steve Rizzo’s books Motivate THIS! and Get Your SHIFT Together. Steve Rizzo is a respected member of the NSA Speaker Hall of Fame and has been praised by business professionals from the world’s largest corporations.
Hire him as a keynote speaker for your next corporate event to experience his invigorating and inspirational presentations in person! Contact his team at (855) 841-9225 or (724) 540-5092 for bookings.