How You Can Stop Being a Perfectionist
As Maria Shriver once said, “Perfectionism doesn’t make you feel perfect; it makes you feel inadequate.”
Have you ever wondered what would happen if we woke up one day to find ourselves as the perfect clones of robots we see in movies?
The world would turn into black and white—a continuous monochrome with only one direction. We would wear the same clothes, speak in the same manner and get frustrated if that order were to break.
But the most important question to ask is, do we want a life like that?
Do we want to stand out or blend into the crowd?
Unfortunately, perfectionism has a way of convincing our conscience to nag us until a specific type of result has been achieved. Perfectionists strive for flawless results—sometimes results that are impossible to achieve. While most of us are happy with what we can do, such individuals do whatever they can do achieve their goals.
But if you’re a perfectionist struggling to break the vicious cycle, there are days where you feel drained and willing to throw in the towel. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Beating the Cycle of Perfectionism
Changing habits is difficult and can take time. If your work habits involve doing the same task repeatedly, you have to make a conscious effort to change them.
That is easier said than done. For those who have been doing the same things for years, change can be challenging.
There are a few things you can do, though:
Look for the Positive: While you may believe your performance is not up to the mark, there is always at least one thing you excel at.
By focusing on those skills, you will find a way to use that strength to improve step-by-step.
Compare Yourself to Imperfect People: This is the opposite advice of what you’re used to hearing, but perfectionists will always be comparing themselves to others. Therefore, focus on comparing yourself to real people who are not magazine models and characters in fictional films. Take a look at the people around who are imperfect and have satisfying relationships, are happy with what they have achieved and have accepted their flaws.
Ask Yourself What You Would Say to Friends: Whenever you struggle with the urge to change things repeatedly—fix your hair a certain way or rewrite an essay—ask yourself what you would tell a friend in the same situation.
Would you tell them to do the same thing you are, or would you advise them otherwise?
While it’s easier said than done, we’re harsher on ourselves than others, so it’s best to give yourself a break once in a while.
Perfectionism does not have to define who we are; there are healthier ways to utilize our gift for seeing imperfections. As a motivational keynote speaker, Steve Rizzo has come across hundreds of individuals who have struggled with perfectionism. With a little motivation and inspiration, it’s possible to take back control.
Discover what is most important in your life. You have what it takes to make the most of work and life. Learn how to with Steve Rizzo. Contact him for further details.