How to Experience True Happiness in Business and in Life
I would like to get something off my chest. As many of you know, I am a motivational speaker and my mission in life is to show people in business and in life how to be happy and successful, regardless of what their circumstances are. Let me make this perfectly clear! I am in no way expecting anyone to be happy 24-7, 365 days a year. Give me a break!
Better yet, give yourself a break!
To expect to be happy all the time is to set yourself up for disappointment and failure. Furthermore, if you were happy all of the time, its meaning would be completely lost because you would have nothing to compare it with.
I have learned that experiencing true happiness invariably involves emotional discomfort and difficult experiences along the way.
In fact, it depends on them.
Our challenges in business and in life build our character and self-esteem. How we approach and respond to these challenges determines our quality of happiness and success. A happy person can experience highs and lows throughout their life while maintaining a positive outlook on their life as a whole. This is something that truly successful and happy people know and live by.
The goal isn’t to be in a perpetual state of Pollyannaish happiness. Rather, the goal is to realize that if you stay conscious of your ability to shift into a feel good state of mind and allow it to occur, happiness will come around more often than not.
Understand that you don’t have to wait for something good to happen to feel good. You can view your challenges from a vantage point. You can teach yourself to appreciate the benefits of temporarily stepping away from your feelings of being overwhelmed by a difficult situation.
Shift your attention to that which empowers you and makes you feel good. That’s what you want, isn’t it? To feel good more often? Well, then, why wait for a problem to be solved or a challenge to go away before you allow yourself to feel good? Why not learn and exercise positive alternatives that will enable you to feel confident during the process of solving the problem? Why wait for some future goal to be fulfilled to be happy? Why aren’t you answering me?
Seriously folks! If you really think about it, it defies all logic. I mean, what good is achieving a goal or even setting a goal for yourself if you don’t enjoy the process of fulfilling it? When you make feeling happy of paramount importance, you will seek out that which truly makes you feel happy.
Taking action based on that imperative will have the result of making you feel good, no matter what your circumstances or the outcome of the problem you are facing. Remember, it’s valuing the process, the journey toward your goal, the lessons learned that ultimately promotes an inner state of true happiness.