A SHIFT to Your Higher Self – The Ultimate Success Strategy
As a motivational business speaker I have often stated that our ability to make a shift to view a stressful or painful situation from a healthier perspective is the ultimate empowerment. And whether you know it or not, the reason you gain this empowerment is because you have made a connection, either consciously or unconsciously, to a higher part of yourself.
At this point in my life I am convinced that there is more to our existence than our human and physical selves. There is a higher force involved in our lives and if we adhere to this then life becomes easier, both at home and at work.
My intention is not to smother you with my spiritual beliefs, but to make you aware that I know without a doubt that there is a higher force involved in my life. When I’m connected to this force, my life works. When I’m not my life doesn’t work. It’s about as simple as that.
It really doesn’t matter what you call this higher part of yourself. You can call it your Higher Self, God, the Light, the Force (especially if you’re Jedi), Love, the Power, the Almighty One, or “Fred.” Or “Bertha” Whatever. The name you give it does not diminish its power in your life. I know that my responsibility to myself is to stay connected to my Higher Self and to keep myself calm on the inside regardless of the injustice and chaos that may be taking place all around me. I know how crucial it is to keep my thoughts positive, especially when I’m experiencing challenging times in my business, or when my personal life seems to be falling apart.
Unfortunately, sometimes I’m so caught up in life, so busy paying bills, catching planes, making decisions, writing books about being busy, achieving goals, and trying to balance my life that I don’t live in compliance with the higher part of myself. When I don’t there is usually hell to pay. We all create our own hell when, for whatever reason, we don’t make the shift to view our challenges from a higher part of ourselves.
Every time we think, feel or choose to act in a negative way, we run the risk of separating ourselves from our natural state of joy and inner peace. The price we pay for this is the burning inner conflict that leads to physical duress and a host of mental and emotional disorders. Every destructive thought you have kills a part of you in some way.
When you allow yourself to go on emotional binges of anger, guilt, hatred, jealousy and fear, you are punishing yourself by inducing pain, sickness and failure in your life. Yes, you might feel you have every right to complain and to rant and rave about how unfair your life is.
It may even seem justified not to forgive someone who deliberately put you in harms way. Just remember that you also have a right to the migraine headaches, stomach disorders, high blood pressure and miserable existence that inevitably follows.
Through all of my experiences and all that I have learned (most of which I learned the hard way), I am willing to testify that when I am alive to my personal identity as my higher self, my life flows. That is to say that I am more at peace with myself regardless of what is occurring around me. I am filled with joy and laughter because I fully appreciate who I am.
And no matter where I am, I know that is where I am supposed to be. When I shift my focus and allow my Higher Self to take over, I know that there is that in me that can meet any challenge head-on with a rock-solid attitude to succeed and to learn the lesson that life is trying to teach me. Guess what? So can you!