Latest "Attitude Adjustment" Posts

Have you noticed that some people manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chances at happiness by complaining and blaming outside circumstances for their unfortunate plight? Then there are those who seem to have every obstacle imaginable thrown in front of them and they move ahead, refusing to give up.  They take these obstacles […]

Hello fellow RIZZ-O-GRAMERS!  Please enjoy this wonderful video that was created by “Live Today With Passion”  The first 5 minutes is my message and the remaining 15 minutes is my Humor. This YouTube Video already has over 50,000 views in just 4 days. I don’t know the people who created this, but I love what […]

  One of the biggest challenges that people in business and in life face today is keeping themselves motivated to be at their best. I believe the challenge lies not just in knowing how to get motivated, but how to stay motivated and optimistic to be at their best for more than just a few […]

Enjoy another wonderfully produced video by “The Best Motivation Video.”  This video is my gift and wish for all of you in 2017.  Please feel free to share this video with friends, family and business associates.   Steve Rizzo is the Attitude Adjuster.  You can’t attend one of his keynote speeches, seminars, or read his […]

  My only purpose for discussing the art of meditation is to show you how this wonderful activity keeps me motivated and has transformed my life with hardly any effort at all. Throughout the years various meditation techniques have given me clarity over challenging circumstances, guided me to make the right choices, revealed solutions to […]

Please enjoy this wonderfully produced video, which was created by “MOTIVATIONAL VIDEOS.”  If you like it please share it with family, friends and business associates.   Steve Rizzo is the Attitude Adjuster.  You can’t attend one of his keynote speeches, seminars, or read his books and leave with the same attitude.  He’s a personal development expert, […]

  Visualization is a “Common Sense Success Strategy” that can keep you motivated throughout the day. As I’ve often said, “Visualize and it will materialize.” Visualization is the applying of your given gift of imagination to your faith and confidence. You can use it to discover ways to work through tough times, to rise above […]

Too many people start their day in a bad mood—or a low mood at best. And most of the time, they have no idea why. That is to say, people might not be consciously aware that they focus on what is broken and not what can be created from their day. As soon as they […]

  Right now I’m about to give you a golden nugget of information that can change your life forever. Are you ready? Here it is. The key to starting your day with an unstoppable attitude to succeed and to keep the motivation going throughout the day, is to make sure you are feeling good during […]

  It absolutely amazes me that there are people who have been given every opportunity in life and still manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chances at happiness. Somewhere along the way they have adopted a negative perception about life and they continue to reinforce that perception by obsessive thinking. Let’s face it; […]