Latest "Laughter" Posts

The first time I can recall my sense of humor having a dramatic effect on my life was when I was in the third grade.  I was performing in the play “Alice in Wonderland.”  No, I wasn’t Alice.  I was Humpty Dumpty. You know, the egghead who was damaged irreparably when he found out he […]

One day I was walking along a pier in San Diego when I noticed a young woman dancing and singing softly to herself.  Occasionally, she would stop and take a sip of her coffee. As I walked by she waved and smiled, and this wasn’t just a run-of-the-mill, everyday smile.  It was a radiant smile […]

Anyone can tell you that one key to living a happy, successful life is having a positive attitude, especially during adverse times. I know that sometimes it’s impossible to justify the depth of misfortune we encounter. I know that sometimes it seems impossible to stand tall and be positive when it feels like your world […]

Years ago, I was speaking in the Midwest. I needed to stock up on writing accessories, so I drove to a nearby K-Mart. As I proceeded to purchase my goods, I noticed there was only one register open, so I took my place at the end of a long line.  While waiting, I heard the […]

Choice! The key is choice. You have options. You need not spend your life wallowing in failure, ignorance, grief, poverty, shame, and self-pity. But hold on! If this is true, then why have so many among us apparently elected to live in that manner? The answer is obvious. Those who live in unhappy failure have […]

Years ago, I was watching a television news special. Dan Rather was interviewing Bill Cosby only weeks after his son was murdered. After sharing his grief over his son’s death, the comedian was asked what I thought was a very difficult, if not unfair, question. “Now that Bill Cosby’s son is no longer with us,” said Rather “what […]

Hey everyone,  Steve Rizzo here.  Well a New Year is here and I want to take this time to wish everyone a very Happy, Successful and Healthy New Year.  I also want to take this time to share with you my New Year’s Resolution.  Are you ready?  My New Year’s Resolution is to not make any […]

  I’m here to tell you that no matter what your circumstances are, you can adjust your attitude and create a brighter reality for yourself.  It’s not the bad neighborhood you grew up in that led you on the wrong path.  It’s not the teacher who shunned your artistic talents or the parent who suggested […]

As a Funny Motivational Speaker, I know that people go to comedy clubs because they want to laugh. That’s the only reason. Why do they want to laugh? The same reason they have sex. It makes them feel good. That’s the bottom line. Laughter simply makes you feel good. It charges your inner battery and […]