Anyone can tell you that one key to living a happy, successful life is having a positive attitude, especially during adverse times. In fact, positivism isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a life philosophy that shapes how we perceive, react to, and grow from life’s challenges. I know that sometimes there just isn’t justification for all […]

Let’s talk about the power of beliefs in shaping your life. One day, I was on a flight from Los Angeles to Orlando, Florida. The woman sitting next to me struck up a conversation and eventually asked what I did for a living. When I told her that I’m a motivational business speaker who helps […]

One Saturday night in 1986, I was performing at Dangerfield’s Comedy Club in Manhattan. I had just finished my show and the emcee was making his final announcements when I noticed someone approaching the stage. No introduction was necessary. Rodney Dangerfield was at the pinnacle of his career, and everyone knew who he was. He was considered one of […]

As a Mindset Adjuster by profession, I am often asked, “What is the most valuable lesson you’ve learned about success and happiness?” Without hesitation, my response is always, “Never use your words to describe a challenging situation. Rather, use your words to change your perspective on a challenging situation.” In other words, use empowering words […]

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned on this planet is the same one that truly happy, successful, and optimistic people inherently understand: life is a series of ups and downs. There will be good times and bad times, sad days and ecstatic moments. Nothing in life is permanent, and our success and happiness […]

Okay, You’re Successful, but Are You Feeling Fulfilled? Let’s talk work-life balance and fulfillment. First, picture this: I was on a pristine beach in San Juan, Puerto Rico, watching a couple strolling hand in hand. They looked like the embodiment of a dream vacation—until his cell phone rang. Her glare said it all: “I dare […]

Success is often portrayed as the ultimate attainment of a long-cherished goal. Imagine striving for years to become the Vice President of a major company. After enduring intense stress, sleepless nights, and emotional burnout, you finally reach the pinnacle. You gain wealth, prestige, and an enviable title. But here’s a critical question: Is this success? […]

Let’s talk about the power of positive thinking and belief. Have you ever noticed that there are those who have been given every advantage in life to succeed, yet they still manage to sabotage their success and destroy their chances at happiness? Then there are those who seem to have every obstacle imaginable thrown in […]

Life presents us with countless decisions every day – from minor choices about what to eat for breakfast to major decisions that can alter the course of our existence. Yet many people feel trapped by their circumstances, unaware that they have the tremendous power of choice in life decisions. This comprehensive guide explores how understanding […]

Let’s talk about the power of humor for stress relief. We’re living in a world that’s moving incredibly fast.  On top of our personal problems and everyday pressures, the newspapers and evening newscasts tell us that our economy is falling apart. Corporations are being forced to downsize. Massive technological advances are causing people to re-evaluate, […]