Welcome to Mindset Is Everything!


Steve Rizzo

Shifting Mindsets Across the Globe

Your Mindset is a set of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and attitudes that shape how you view your business, your world, and yourself. It influences how you behave and determines the actions you take in any situation. The actions that you take always lead to a particular outcome. In other words…Your Mindset writes the story of your life. Every now and then it would be wise to stop and ask yourself, “What kind of story am I writing now?” MINDSET IS EVERYTHING!

A Hall of Fame Speaker and former national headline comedian, Steve Rizzo will captivate your audience with laughter as he gradually reveals the secrets of how to SHIFT their MINDSET from failure to success, from unhappiness to fulfillment, and from Woe is me to Wow is me!

The Commonsense Success Strategies and SHIFTING Habits revealed in Steve’s presentations will show your team how much power they have over every aspect of their lives.

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These companies have all been WOW’d by Steve Rizzo! These companies have all been WOW’d by Steve Rizzo!

What do the CIA, American Express and Marriott Hotels have in common?

They've all been WOW’d by Steve Rizzo!


How to Start Each Day with an Unstoppable Attitude to Succeed Regardless of Your Circumstances.

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Steve Rizzo’s Best-Selling Book!

How to Think, Laugh and Enjoy Your Way to Success in Business and in Life

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Steve Rizzo TV

Find Out How to Laugh More, Stress Less, and Enjoy Success!

Who says you have to “get serious” to get everything you want out of life? Join Steve Rizzo and laugh while you learn life-changing success secrets you can apply to every part of your life. From reducing stress to meeting your goals (and having a great time doing it!), you’ll take away valuable tips and tools from every single episode.

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