Sometimes Those Naysayers Include YOU! How to Free Yourself From Self-Doubt

Have you ever looked up to a colleague at work and immediately proceeded to reprimand yourself for not being more like them?

If you answered yes, you are a victim of self-criticism—and it’s not a healthy habit.

You may have stayed up till 2 am on Wednesday contemplating the secret to feeling confident.  Turns out, there is no secret, just a simple truth: A confident person isn’t someone who excels in everything they attempt; it’s someone who has mastered the art of loving themselves despite their failures.

3 Ways to Stop Self-Doubt In Its Tracks

Control Your ‘Voice’ Before It Controls You

The voice in our head is a powerful tool that can either make or break us. It’s our constant companion, the one thing we listen to every single day even when we’d rather not.

Feeling confident in your successes and failures is deeply connected to the voice in our head.  The way to control it is by training yourself to be more compassionate when things don’t turn out the way you planned—not toward anyone else, but toward you.

For example, the next time you mess up your presentation during an inter-departmental meeting, despite practicing a million times, tell yourself to breathe. It’s okay. It really is.


Take Proactive Steps To Battle Negative Thoughts

The best way to really stop hating your shortcomings is to identify your fears and ‘weaknesses’ so you can tackle them one by one.

Try this.

Set your timer for 15-20 minutes; take out your journal and write down one thing that bothers you—it could be the way you do your hair, the hand gestures you make while talking or your habit of procrastination.

If it makes you self-conscious to the point of feeling insecure, it’s got to go.

Once the time’s up, take action. Analyze why you do it; figure out what you can do differently. Focus on changing one thing at a time each day so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

Take definitive action consistently, and soon enough you will have conquered major issues you have with yourself.

Granted, it’s easier said than done, but it can be done.


Turn That Inner Voice Into An Outer Voice

If bad repetitive inner thoughts can cause so much damage to your mental well-being, imagine what you can achieve by speaking out loud positive thoughts!

This is akin to standing in your bedroom—or anywhere where there aren’t any people—and saying, “You’ve got this.”

Sometimes, seeing physical evidence of your strengths helps more than just speaking them. Start by writing down the good things you do for yourself and for others—keep adding to the list as you go along.

Did you finally organize your cabinet? Did you move aside a piece of trash on the street? Did you compliment your friend on his choice of tie? These are all things to be proud of.

Instead of focusing on your flaws, pinpoint all the things you’re good at and everything you’ve come to admire about yourself.

Most importantly, realize that you don’t have to make peace with that negative inner dialogue anymore.

Steve Rizzo is a professional keynote inspirational speaker and a Speakers Hall of Fame member.

His motivational speeches and programs are the reason he’s the expert on Attitude, Humor and the Power of Positive Thinking.

Whether you’re a fresh entrepreneur or an experienced corporate figure, it’s never too late to take a step toward self-confidence.

Contact Steve if you’re on the search for a keynote motivational speaker for hire for your next corporate event.

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